Music, Lyrics & Rhyme

I wrote this as a review for a lovely breakfast van owner Kelly. I stop off there now and then when I have a pick up from Heathrow airport. I have got to know Kelly and her partner Curtis very well and consider them as friends.
The Breakfast Van
To the sales rep, the chauffeur and the white van man
there's nothing more important than the breakfast van.
I've been to plenty of them and they're always pretty good,
You pull into a layby and grab yourself some food.
But every now and then you'll find one a cut above the rest,
Simply Snacks at Harmondsworth is for me the very best
Anything you ask for will be cooked just to your taste,,
And served to you by Kelly with a happy smiling face.
Don't worry if it's busy or there's a bit of a queue,
You'll get to shoot the breeze with strangers like we used to do.
So forget McDonald's breakfast and your burger king,
Get down to Simply Snacks for a taste of the real thing.
Tom Heron
Inspired by something way too close to home. I felt incapable of protecting someone I loved without taking the law into my own hands. I came very close to doing just that. She eventually saw sense and now knows that she had a very lucky escape.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence I hear you say....
It's that word domestic that makes it ok.
Domestic violence and physical abuse....
It's my partner and kids so who needs an excuse.
It's just a domestic; you hear it all the time....
They'll beat each other senseless then they'll be just fine.
Most of us see it and turn a blind eye....
If the police can do nothing then why should I try.
Around friends and family there's a secret you hold....
But when you get home you'll do as you're told.
A bruise, a black eye, a broken rib or two....
Here we go again, now look what you made me do.
I thought the days had gone when people could be owned....
Just add the word domestic and they’re on their own.
Take away the Dickensian law and remove the shield....
Take away the word domestic for a level playing field.
If you give the police the power to treat all abuse the same....
Millions would be free to live without fear and shame.
Violence is violence and abuse is abuse....
Let's remove the word Domestic then we remove the excuse.
To put the word domestic beside violence and abuse....
is to abuse the word domestic out of context and mis-use.
When these words are put together it restricts what can be done....
Put the phrase "domestic violence" into room 101.
Tom Heron
The Inspiration for the twilight years was a combination of hearing a couple of old girls comparing ailments and my realisation of my own failing capabilities.
The Twilight Years
When hair starts sprouting from your noise and ears...
When the dead of night carries no more fears.
When you're leaving the pub after just two beers...
You could be heading for your twilight years.
When you make strange noises every time you bend...
When you're comparing ailments with a friend.
When you say what you think, please or offend...
You're entering your twilight years.
When all your joints sound like rusty hinges...
When your home haircuts leave you uneven fringes.
When Horlicks replaces your all night binges...
You know you're in your twilight years.
When Velcro becomes the fastener of choice...
When there's no more night's out with the boys.
When you've resorted back to playing with toys...
You're definitely in your twilight years.
When you're watching telly in a trance...
When you're going to the toilet in advance.
When you strut around the house in you're underpants...
You're well into your twilight years.
When Specsavers manage your hearing and sight...
When you no longer know what's wrong or right.
When you're putting your teeth in a glass overnight...
You accept you're in your twilight years.
When you've never heard of chicken dippers...
When the whole house smells of your breakfast kippers.
When your favourite shoes are now your slippers...
You know you're happy in your twilight years.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Knowing you Knowing me
I was having a discussion with my cousin about how
people come in and out of your life. It got me thinking
about how cautious I have become over new friendships
and protective over old ones. Again providing me with
confirmation that we should listen to our elders.
Only as we age do we appreciate that we were given the
free gift of wisdom. We will go on to share this wisdom
with our children and they with theirs. Then they will
eventually find out for themselves.
And so the cycle goes on....
Knowing you knowing me
I suppose you think I'm judging you, well of course I am....
How else am I to know what lies within the man.
There's lots to consider when befriending someone new....
Like what is it they're looking for and what's in it for you.
Integrity pride and dignity loyalty and trust....
For my cousin that's on my list these are all a must.
Many friends will come and go as part of the lifelong game....
But a friendship that is built on trust forever will remain.
Acquaintances that are here and gone form the story of your past....
Yet five true friends is all you'll need from your first breath till your last.
In my younger years I was often told but didn't understand....
I'd be able to count my true friends on the fingers of one hand.
Your life long friends provide you with a special kind of love....
Maybe strangers to each other yet retained in just one glove.
Yes new friendships are exciting but always be aware....
When the chips are down and you need them most only true friends will be there.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Am I Relevant?
It's those age old questions isn't it. Why am I here?, what am I here to do?,
have I done it yet?, am I capable of doing it?. We have all asked these questions of ourselves. I was pondering over these questions and my thoughts are that we don't have an individual task. I believe we are all part of the gene pool that can make a contribution to the pot of knowledge no matter how small. I also believe that every generation creates a percentage of genius from that pot of knowledge that takes our species forward and separates us from all other species. That left me wondering what my contribution would be and if it would be relevant....
Am I Relevant?
I suppose I would describe myself as what's known as an average guy....
Not too grotesque or handsome or particularly pleasing to the eye.
I'm not very tall or uncomfortably small just somewhere in between....
I'm not a teacher, scholar or shrouded in valour and my poetry has never been seen.
I've never hosted a chat show or read the evening news; berating or agreeing with other people’s views....
I've never split an atom; well as far as I know, or scaled a famous mountain that's covered in snow.
I've never walked on the moon or even in space; I've never discovered a new species or race....
I've not been given a knighthood or an MBE; I've never had anything named after me.
I've never broken the sound barrier or caused a sonic boom....
or been lowered to the bottom of a mysterious black lagoon.
I've never been sky or deep sea diving, or circumnavigated the world....
I've never stood on a podium while my national flag's unfurled.
I'm not a pirate or explorer that has sailed the seven seas....
or the leader of a great army that's brought a tyrant to his knees.
I've never braved the eye of a storm or survived being struck by lightning....
nor looked down the throat of an active volcano; not me, that's far too frightening.
I don't believe that I have ever stood on the equator....
and as for the north and south poles; well they'll have to wait till later.
I've never eaten fine cuisine in a Michelin star restaurant....
nor tasted Almas caviar in a dainty vol-au-vent.
I haven't discovered a major cure or reinvented the wheel....
and I can't even start to imagine how that would make me feel.
So there's plenty that I haven't done in the grand scheme of things....
but maybe the little things I've done will be enough to earn my wings.
I'll hold a door ajar or take your arm if you need to cross the road....
I'll hit the pothole every time to avoid a hedgehog or toad.
I will give up my umbrella to keep other people dry....
I will gladly give my handkerchief if I see a stranger cry.
I don't have the answers for the people living on the street....
But if I pass them by I will go back with something warm to eat.
I'll stand my ground and not be moved when I know that I am right....
The size and weight of the opponent won't put me off the fight.
The huge conglomerate I took to court employed a top London QC....
Yet self represented over three long days, victory fell to me.
My fear of flying is only surpassed by a greater fear of the sea....
But if you need to get to the end of the earth then you can rely on me.
I'm considered by some to be quite funny, they say I'm a natural comic....
When people I know are feeling down in the mouth they say I'm their personal tonic.
I've danced with the leader of "Legs & Co"; outclassed, boy did I feel a fool....
I've sang on stage with "The Three Degrees"; though embarrassed it felt pretty cool.
I've stepped to the left then to the right in a one on one street dance....
then shared a smile with a stranger as none of us could advance.
I love my children and grandchildren as much as I possibly can....
But the feeling that I could love them more makes me the man I am.
I have a partner of twenty five years and she's everything to me....
Her love alone drives me to be the best that I can be.
I'm not religious or political or involved in any nonsense....
But before I go to sleep each night I check in with my conscience.
All of this, good or bad represents my ying and yang....
Allowing me to see myself for what I really am.
So the question I have asked myself is where all this began.
That question; Am I Relevant.
The answer; Damn right I am.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Our Rie Rie
Not much explanation needed here. She had been so careful self isolating up until the government said it would be ok to visit family at Christmas. She went to her daughters to spend Christmas day with her grandchildren. She let her guard down and paid the ultimate price.
Tested positive on the 5th Jan 2021, admitted to hospital on the 7th Jan, and we lost her on the 9th Jan 2021.
Our Rie Rie
Lost to (COVID 19) in January 2021.
My sister Marie
“The One” in the one of ten
I don't speak for others it's not what I do, but I'm sure we all share this opinion....
Rie Rie's “The One” in the one of ten but to us she is one in a million.
She's suffered in pain for at least twenty years; yes she'll curse it but never bemoan....
Yet the slightest of problems you have of your own and she's there at the end of the phone.
While we all danced at the family do's she's had to remain in her seat....
Now with two new knees she's up with the girls, dancing to “Tiger Feet”.
Our family is said to have funny bones, but Rie Rie's in a class of her own....
While we're rolling in laughter at something she's said, she's there with a face of stone.
If you ask her advice you'd best be prepared for the answer you're going to hear....
She'll tell you exactly how it is; of that you can be clear.
She truly is a wysiwyg but like all of us she has her chinks....
She'll take no time to think what to say, before she has said what she thinks.
She's never been one for material things; it's her family that gives her pleasure....
Yet she's totally oblivious to the fact, that she is the family treasure.
She is what she is and does what she does; she has never ever changed....
That's why once you've met her you're touched for life by a love that is never estranged.
Our Rie Rie.
“To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is never to die”
Tom Heron
Inspiration for A Better Dad
I wouldn't say it was inspired; More a need to acknowledge,
accept and explain why I am like I am. As my children became
adults then had children of their own I started to notice how
they interacted with them and how in turn the children interacted
with the other grandparents. It is beautiful to see and I have
nothing but admiration for them. What it did make me realize is
that I had nothing to compare it to. So although I had a need to acknowledge, accept and explain; This was written with a level of
sadness and pain.
A Better Dad
I have a Son and Daughter and am very proud of both....
I won't say which one’s favourite but they run each other close.
Of course there's no favourite that’s just my little joke....
That's what I do when I'm nervous; it's how I've learned to cope.
I've managed to get through life by being everybody’s clown....
But the time has come to reveal myself so I'm letting my guard down.
I've recently been soul searching and what I found makes me feel bad....
On reflection it's now clear to me; I could have been a better dad.
I'm not feeling sorry for myself I'm just telling it how it is....
And these are not excuses but they're facts that do persist.
The childhood beatings that I took were horrendous to say the least....
Yes I've suffered severe brutality at the hands of a nasty beast.
The abuse I suffered as a child was evident and clear....
Though satisfied he would never be as I refused to shed a tear.
All my life I've told myself that I am not to blame....
And never will I allow myself to hang my head in shame.
But recently I've learned just how badly I've been affected....
Although I am a one in ten this is purely my perspective.
I want my children and grandchildren to understand somehow....
My lack of ability to show my love wasn't clear to me till now.
I'm nothing like that brutal man and know I never will be....
But the thought of someone thinking it always seems to haunt me.
I've always thought that none of this has affected who I am....
But I realise now I'd been scarred so bad by the abuse of just one man.
They say you should face your demons then in life you can move on....
By writing this the healing starts; perhaps the scars will soon be gone.
My children and my grandchildren are the losers in this instance....
But I love them as much as anyone can, I just do it at a distance.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Savannah Mae
Savannah Mae was barely born when her grandmother Vilna asked
me if I could write a poem for her. It's only the second time I've been
asked to write something bespoke; The first being "Pinky Promise"
just a month ago. I was very nervous as I'm new to this and it's not
what I normally do. However Vilna is a very dear friend and it was a
very emotional request. Vilna has a rare eye condition and is rapidly
losing her sight. She wanted to leave her granddaughter something
to remember her by. I'm pleased to say that Vilna and the whole family
are very happy with it. So much so that Vilna asked if I could turn it
into a song. I made some slight adjustments and added a chorus.
Vilna, who is an amazing opera singer has since recorded it.
Savannah Mae
Oh the wondrous gift of motherhood begins the day you give birth....
But when you become a grandmother it's your proudest day on earth.
So when you were born you beautiful girl it was truly a gift to the world....
And the full extent will be evident by the time you’ve completely unfurled.
You couldn't have come at a better time; it's now that I needed you most....
And for the time that I have left with you I will always keep you close.
Meme wants you to know her love for you knows no bounds....
So no matter whether you're near or far her love can always be found.
As your name suggests the world for you is like a pearl on an open plain....
And this wonderful vision I have of you now forever will remain.
Live life to the full whilst taking everything in your stride....
Retain your pride and integrity and let your conscience be your guide.
Always be proud of your heritage as I'm very proud of mine....
There’s nothing that you can't achieve so never just toe the line.
As you find your way in love and life through its hectic fits and starts....
I hope you can find a space for my love in a corner of your heart.
I won't be here in the physical state forever that we know....
But my love for you throughout your life will forever grow and grow.
One day when you have grandchildren this will all become so clear....
And maybe you'll tell them of your meme whilst shedding a happy tear.
Tied at the heart in an unbreakable knot
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Autumn
My friend Ray was telling me that his wife posts photo's on instagram.
He said she had taken some Autumnal photo's and asked me if I could write something about Autumn that she could use with the photo's. Just a little ditty he said. I told him to leave it with me. I wrote Autumn and Winter the same night and Spring and Summer a couple of day's later creating my own little quirky version of the four seasons.
Click goes' the boiler, on comes the heat....
We're all in our onesies with slippers on our feet.
The winds are getting stronger stripping branches of their leaves....
The nights are getting shorter bringing summer to its knees.
The season we all dread the most that offers us the least....
Has to be endured by all before the winter feast.
Yes autumns here with little cheer and an awful reputation....
But how harsh would our winters feel without this preparation.
So let's respect the autumn months and show them some compassion....
For without them one thing is for sure, spring would never happen.
Tom Heron
The Daffodils and Crocuses are the first to reappear....
The winds of change are coming now the weather's less severe.
No more scraping windscreens or warming up the car....
The kids’ first batch of frogs spawn collected in a jar.
The welcome sound of a lawnmower carries on the breeze....
As you notice the red and green foliage returning to the trees.
People sitting in the park while joggers pass them by....
Beautiful clouds of cotton wool against the bright blue sky.
It seems so long since you've enjoyed the smell of fresh cut grass....
Thus providing confirmation that spring has come at last.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for New Years Day
I found myself reminiscing over some of the great house
parties we've had over the years and how they came about.
We once had a Christmas party on the 25th August which
turned out to be the hottest day of the year. 18 years on and
people still talk about it. "New Years Day" could well be an
actual conversation myself and my partner Helen have had
and reflect how most of those parties came about.
Ah great day's.
New Years Day
Is that the time; Oh my head, maybe I ought to stay in bed....
You best get up right now she said, or the least of your worries will be your head.
I can't believe we stayed so late, I promised we'd only go till eight....
Still it can't be that, she enjoyed herself, she's mad at me but for something else.
I put two alka seltzer in a glass; I've done something wrong but I daren’t ask....
I'm still half cut and can't clear the fog, what I really need is a hair of the dog.
“Well, I see you've got up in a happy mood, what's that I can smell, you cooking food”....
“Of course I am it's all I do, but this time it's all down to you.”
“I thought we'd agreed this yesterday, no cooking no cleaning; you chill today”....
“Yeah we agreed but it's all changed, my plans for today have been rearranged.”
“In five hours time there’ll be people here, expecting to gorge on food and beer”....
“Oh no It's coming back to me now, why didn't you stop me you silly cow.”
“Yeah fat chance when you’re on song, you invited people all night long”....
“I was singing your praises to everyone, next thing I know they all want to come.”
“I'm sorry love for dropping you in it, shall I phone them up and tell them to bin it....
“Just stay out of my way and I'll get this done, but believe you me you owe me one.”
As always she's just the perfect host, so to her we all raised a special toast....
Yet again the food is second to none, that's why these people just love to come.
So with the bells still ringing in my ears....
Here’s to you all and a happy New Year.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for The Rehearsal
I literally wrote this immediately after hearing the saying
"Life's not a rehearsal" on TV. I thought, how do we know?
It's as simple as that.
The Rehearsal
They say that life's not a rehearsal, but can anyone really know....
It may be so, that when you go, you take part in a much bigger show.
It may be you're a very good listener, a person to whom people turn....
You may be a natural teacher that encourages people to learn.
To some you may be a rough diamond, others may think you’re tough too....
But to those who really love you, it’s the diamond that always shines through.
It may be you’re not known to many, and are happy to keep it that way....
But with your heart so pure, you can be sure, there'll still be a part you can play.
It may be you're known for compassion, and caring for everyone’s soul....
When rehearsals are finally over, there's no doubt you'll be playing lead role.
It could be life's not a rehearsal, when you're gone you'll have turned your last page....
So strive to be happy in all that you do, and leave everything there on life’s stage.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Pinky Promise
This was a tough ask. My Granddaughters mum
asked me to write this as if it was from her youngest
daughter whom they had recently lost to a rare genetic
disease. Young Liv was only 13yrs old when she passed.
My granddaughter is her older sister and they were so close.
I had never written anything bespoke before, especially
with such significance. I kept it short and to the brief and
although there were a lot of tears they were for the right reasons.
Pinky Promise
From Liv to Cai
I didn't want to leave you it really isn't fair....
It's your 21st birthday and I wish I could be there.
I'm with dad now and he doesn't know we've ever been apart....
The same applies to everyone here that's connected at the heart.
The way you're looking after mum is so comforting to me....
It isn't what we wanted but it's how it has to be.
As you were holding my hand when I needed it the most....
I will now hold your hand and forever keep us close.
So pinky promise you won't have thought's of sadness or dismay....
Just close your eyes and I'll be right there to share your special day.
Happy birthday Cai,
“Until next time”
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Adulthood
Men; what are we like?. I wrote this little ditty whilst
waiting to pick someone up from Heathrow airport.
I was just reflecting on some of the funny (silly) things
I'd done and thought will I ever actually grow up.
I then tried to think of people I knew that had properly
grown up. They were all women.
Need I say more.
Adulthood in women befalls them at different ages....
And due to their complexity it's achieved in various stages.
Once adulthood is established maturity will ensue....
Then the realization comes that there is nothing they can't do.
Existentially men are simpler so bare no relevance to the former....
Sadly adulthood in men is always... just around the corner.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Going Home
Myself and my partner have very different views on what
happens at the end of this life. We were debating this for
some time when she suddenly said, "well it doesn't matter
anyway, we don't die we just go home". This stayed with me
for day's. I knew I had to write something that ended with
that line. this is the result.
Going Home
The purpose of life itself remains a mystery to us all....
To the billions that have gone before the answer did not befall.
So why are we all here, and what is it we actually do....
Maybe in reality we're all just passing through.
The pain of losing someone is like a dagger through the heart....
But when we eventually reunite it's like we've never been apart.
In this life we're forced to measure everything in time....
And the suffering belongs to only those who are left behind.
But what if time has no relevance where the people who've passed reside....
With a wink of an eye and the turn of a head we're stood right by their side.
Let's ignore all time and measure life in memories instead....
Then joy will replace the suffering as the memories fill our head.
Never worry for those who've passed that they may be all alone....
As my wonderful partner said to me, we don't die... we just go home.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for City Nomads
I Popped into town and parked in my normal car park.
There was a guy sat by the ticket machine.
If he's still there when I come back I will give him a couple
of quid or if I pass a greggs a couple of sausage rolls.
It's what I do. It was a really cold day so
on this occasion it was both.
Whilst driving home "Another Day in Paradise" by
Phil Collins came on the radio.
I wrote this as soon as I got home.
City Nomads
They wake up and look to the sky, some days they are happy and feel they could fly....
There are days that they wonder why, these days seem so long they can almost cry.
But mostly they just get by, making sure that they keep their cardboard dry....
City nomads why oh why, when the nights draw in they could actually die.
They sleep by shop doors or stairs, good spots they're more than happy to share....
Soon they are feeling despair, when thugs come to spit and pull on there hair.
Some will desperately beg in the day, they can be quite vocal or just sit and sway....
The big issue can earn them some pay, but most of them most nights have nowhere to stay.
We're not being asked to take to the fields and hunt them down a rabbit....
Yet people say they won't give cash, in fear of feeding a bad habit.
As a passer by of a homeless guy, you know you don't have the solution....
But these queens subjects are just ignored, and rank below pollution.
WE know the soup kitchens and shelters are being run by volunteers....
And if you ask the government to get involved, it just keeps falling on deaf ears.
We need to force the powers that be, to make city nomads obsolete....
No one in this country should be living on the street.
They wake up and look to the sky, some days they are happy and feel they could fly....
There are days that they wonder why, these days seem so long they can almost cry.
But mostly they just get by, making sure that they keep their cardboard dry....
City nomads why oh why, when the nights draw in they could actually die.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Time
I was preparing my car before picking up clients.
I always provide bottled water. As I was putting
bottles of water in the back I dropped one and it
rolled under the car. I was on quite a side slope so
I knew it would roll out the other side. I casually
walked round to pick it up and it was gone. I looked
up to see it rolling down the street. It seemed to roll forever.
It was as if time was just drifting away from me.
It was never going to stop and I wasn't going after it.
I wrote this whilst waiting for my clients to come
through the airport
I dropped a ball and stood and watched it slowly roll away....
I remember thinking to myself, there goes another day.
Time is of the essence, essentially that's true....
Especially when you're older with plenty left to do.
When it came to time when we were young we'd ignore what we were told....
But a day to us back then was like a week when you get old.
The young don't measure time by what they get done in a day....
They'll put a greater value on how much they get to play.
Time is an enigma it should always stay the same....
Why it speeds up as you age, no one can explain.
So when you're young you need to cherish each and every minute....
And time you're told you've wasted isn't wasted if you live it.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for My Bizniss
I have to confess I am an avid watcher of the X factor
as is my daughter. Every week we will text or
phone each other while it's on. But X Factor the band, YUK.
We did not like it. When one girl came on all coy claiming
she was shy then sang a song that she had written
herself in front of 2,500 people we were vext.
I told my daughter I could write a verse like that
in the time it takes me to make a cup of tea.
So I did and this is the result.
My Bizniss
Everybody wanna know my bizniss, everybody wanna know it's true....
Everybody wanna know my bizniss, everybody wanna know who are you.
Cause i'm always putin it out there, always wantin the world to know....
As soon as I start seein someone, it's hay'all come check out my beau.
But this time it's goin to be difrent, this time I won't tell a sole....
Cause I want to know who are you first, before anyone else lets me know.
I've never felt anythin like this, you may find that hard to believe....
But I knew it was love from the first kiss, now i'm wearin my heart on my sleeve.
So this time i'm not takin chances, I won't put you up on display....
I've been livin my life on the wire, but from now i've got nothin to say.
Cause every time I put it out there, the whole world knows you in a day....
And I won't get the chance to show I care, before someone come steal you away.
Everybody wanna know my bizniss, everybody wanna know it's true....
Everybody wanna know my bizniss, everybody wanna know who are you.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Red
Another true story of me being me.
Early nineties going through a divorce, why not.
At that time I seemed to have a knack of
getting myself into sticky situations.
This was certainly one of them.
As soon as I walked in the bar I saw her standing there....
Shoe horned boots and shoe horned jeans and flowing flame red hair.
I new that she was watching me so I tried to play it cool....
But she just came right up to me and said "hey let's shoot some pool" .
She was pretty good i'd have to say but i'm not too bad myself....
But it soon became quite obvious our thoughts were somewhere else.
She said "you gonna walk me home" as she whispered in my ear....
I said "yeah let's get out of here" as I finished up my beer.
It was looking great as we reached her gate till the key went in the door....
Then suddenly it was shush and hush as we crept to the first floor.
Confused I asked "is this alright is everything OK" ....
She said "yeah it's just him downstairs we had a row the other day" .
So we're getting down to business and soon we're both laid bare....
Then suddenly a noise erupts at the bottom of the stair.
The guy is going crazy as he thunders towards her room....
I thought you better act now my son cos troubles coming soon.
With jewels in hand and just in time I rolled off of the bed....
But nothing could prepare me for the size of this guy's head.
He'd dived across the bed and landed just above my face....
He said "10 seconds is what you've got sunshine to disappear without a trace".
I didn't need 10 seconds I was gone in 3 or 4....
So butt naked with clothes in hand i'm stood outside her front door.
Now thinking back I must admit I got off pretty light....
And the people in the takeaway, well it must of made their night.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for It's Still Me
Written after attending a funeral of someone who had
been robbed of their last few years by
dementia. I have no experience in this area but
know how tough this was on the family.
This is written purely from my prospective.
It's what I'd like to believe.
My sentiment is one of hope.
It's Still Me
As we all know dementia is a terrifying word....
A word that every one of us wish we'd never heard.
Once it's introduced itself it will never leave your side....
But it will go on to rob you of your dignity and pride.
You'll start to feel a burden on the ones you hold so dear....
Then time will take its toll on them, the affects are very clear.
It doesn't have a preference to whom or where or when....
So anyone that's near to you could become the next victim.
I'm your father your mother your sister your brother....
Your daughter your son or the chosen one.
I'm your husband your wife your partner for life....
Your special lover or significant other.
I'm your uncle your aunt or you could be mine....
Or maybe I'm the cousin that kept you in line.
I'm your grandad your nan or very best friend....
But what's special to me is you're here at the end.
We've shared many memories so precious it's true....
here's hoping those memories are as precious to you.
When you look in my eyes and believe they are vacant....
Please, look again with a little more patience.
Now close your eyes and imagine you hear....
Me gently whispering in your ear....
It's Still Me.
It's Still Me.... The father of the bride.
It's Still Me... The mother who gave you life.
It's Still Me.... The sister you adored.
It's Still Me.... The brother you applaud.
It's Still Me.... Your daughter or your son, either or I still believe I was the chosen one.
It's Still Me.... Your husband or your wife, who vowed we'd stay together till the last day of our lives.
It's Still Me.... Your own special lover, or as some like to say your significant other.
It's Still Me.... Your uncle or your aunt, or am I the cousin that was your best man.
It's Still Me.... Your grandad or your nan, remembering my love for you as long as I still can.
It's Still Me.... Your very best friend, how this is for you I just cannot comprehend.
But it's Still Me....
Don't let your lasting memory be of me like this....
Remember when I was REALLY ME, not in this Abyss.
Tom Heron
Irony, it's ironic how it gets to me
like the woman on the steps of dignity
With the constant itch of destiny
In a land of cuckoo clocks and snow
She had nowhere else that she could go
It wasn't something to resist
She was looking for that last assist
It's ironic that she battled strife
And carried everything in a bag for life
Mike Newma
Inspiration for First World Problems
This was totally inspired by what I saw whilst waiting in a queue at
a petrol station during the media driven fuel shortage. A guy in a van launched a frenzied verbal attack on an old guy because he thought he should have some sort of priority over him even though he was three
cars back. The old guy was visibly shaken so I intervened and told the
guy in the van to cool down. He got out of the van and started threatening me. I laughed at him and told him to get back in his van while he still could. He did just that. I suppose that makes me not much better than him but I just couldn't believe that having to wait five minutes to put fuel in your car could cause such hostility and be seen as a major crisis.
First World Problems
Just one bowl of rice for a family of four brings tears of joy to their eyes....
Just eat delivered our takeaway and forgot two portions of fries.
No mozzie nets so malaria takes millions of peoples lives....
Two weeks in the Gambia every year with your repellant and factor five.
Every day a child walks ten k to collect dirty water in a can....
A spell of dry weather and we're up in arms at the thought of a hosepipe ban.
Cleft lips, cataracts, and deformities but there'll be no help for them....
Three lines on the forehead and the botox is in, now I look pristine again.
Young girls left to raise their siblings as their parents die of disease....
Did you know you can design your own babies now, I'll have a blue-eyed blonde boy please.
12hrs spent on the refuse tip collecting plastic will get one meal....
That's nearly 2hrs without Wi-Fi now, I can't imagine how angry you feel.
Celebrities getting behind tv appeals are designed to tug at the heart....
Hey I dropped some old clothes at the charity shop, you can't say I'm not playing my part.
Kids will walk miles every day in bare feet to achieve their daily chores....
We have to queue 20 minutes for fuel just to top up our 4 x 4's.
It's time for these 3rd world countries to accept that life is much simpler there....
The problems that 1st world countries face would be too much for them to bare.
Yeah wouldn't they just!
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Be true to you
Again there's no real moment of inspiration that
brought me to write this. We had been talking about
the lottery and what you would do if you won big.
I'm more realistic about this sort of thing and don't
expect luck to provide for me. I wrote the first line
on my phone and the rest just followed.
Be true to you
Don't hang your hat on luck be it good or bad....
Let the good things make you happy and the bad things make you sad.
While your dreams may design you don't let failure re-define you....
While others may deplore you don't let success destroy you.
Don't let your strength fool you, or your weakness make you meek....
Be humble in victory and courteous in defeat.
Don't impose yourself on others or yield to others views....
Don't pay heed to silly gossip or embrace fake news.
Hear other peoples voices grant them freedom of speech....
Trust your conscious to guide you there'll be no need to preach.
In this world of seven billion there are no two the same....
Don't tolerate prejudice, freely put it to shame.
Cause no adult, child or animal to suffer any pain....
Inflict no harm on others for profit or gain.
Don't let your beliefs bind you or stubbornness blind you....
Just be true to yourself and contentment will find you.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Street why's
There's no real moment of inspiration that brought
me to write this. We had a very tough upbringing on
a pretty rough council estate. No it wasn't the Bronx
but there are many mitigating circumstances that
qualifies it as Tough. None of us have exactly set the
world alight but for the most part we have come
through it and survived. I had recently watched a few
hard hitting documentaries which culminated in me
writing this.
Street why's
Council estate, project, shanty town or scheme....
Each and every one of them have kids who dare to dream.
Whatever you want to call it, the manor, patch, hood or yard....
One thing is for sure, growing up here will be hard.
For most the dreams are shattered at a very early age....
Gangs of kids with no hope turn to drugs and crime and rage.
But some will avoid the obvious and make their families proud....
An inner strength and desire makes them stand out from the crowd.
We need to look at why some street kids manage to progress....
When their M.o's suggest a life of struggle and duress.
Eminem, J-Lo and Oprah are examples to the extreme....
But many youngsters make it out whilst swimming upstream.
How did these kids manage to pull themselves out of the mire....
What did they do differently that leads us to admire.
Let's learn from everything they achieve to nurture and inspire....
And help underprivileged kids to rise like a phoenix from the fire.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for See you at the Crem
I have no fear of death and treat it as an inevitable
consequence of life. However I do acknowledge that
at the very least it can cause a level of chaos and disruption.
I wanted to put a light hearted spin on what I wish for
myself when it eventually happens. I know that my loved
ones are the ones that will suffer but I don't want them
to be left to make decisions for me that other people will
feel they have the right to judge.
See you at the Crem
I guess if I'm here I've done my time....
So the right of passage is surely mine.
When it's all done and dusted you'll all be fine....
But for me there will be no shrine.
No bell on a string tied to my toe....
Just say your goodbyes and let me go.
If there's anything there I'll let you know....
Guess I'll see you down at the crem.
There'll be no three day wake before I'm burned....
And no ashes collected to be interned.
No plaque covered hole that conceals an urn....
For my loved ones no cause for concern.
No black to be worn on my special day....
To some that may seem an odd thing to say.
It's the one day in time that puts me on display....
So I'll see you all down at the crem.
Stay true to your promise and stick to the plan....
No horse drawn carriage or marching band.
No flowers donations or any demand....
Just respect and a shake of the hand.
So it's ashes to ashes and dust to dust....
The inevitable happens and a must is a must.
Let's get this bit dealt with without any fuss....
Nice to see you all down at the crem
Now it's off to the venue where the banters all good....
A few pints of beer and some finger food.
Tell each other your stories the way that I would....
Cause you know I'd be there if I could.
Just remember me from wherever you want....
No place to be, no distance to jaunt.
If I do visit you it won't be to haunt....
Thanks for coming on down to the crem.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Say It now
Some of my family will think this was written because; Rumor has it
that my sister Marie wasn't talking to me when she passed. This is not
the case. This was written about my mum. In her latter years she lived in Spain and on a visit home a couple of years before she died we had
a serious falling out. Just before Christmas 2010 we were told she didn't have long. On the Tuesday night I was told that she had spoken to all the girls and that she wanted to speak to me. It was late and I knew her husband Ray wouldn't take a call at that time. I was told she was going
into the hospice on Thursday so I planned to call her Wednesday. She
didn't make it. I had such a close bond with her until that falling out.
I can't fix it and it hurts.
Say It Now
When we lose someone that's special to us it's our hearts that are truly broken....
Then a feeling of guilt can come over us if there's words that have gone unspoken.
We don't have a say and neither do they in when we go or even how....
So if you or they have something to say make sure that you say it now.
Don't wait for the right time to say what you feel there's a chance that your time may run out....
As soon as you feel it reveal it at once and be sure you leave them in no doubt.
Too many hours, days and years have been spent on regret and sorrow....
Why put off today what's important to say when there's no guarantee of tomorrow.
I've done it myself so I know how it feels and believe me it haunts you for years....
If it happens to you there's nothing you'll do that will stop you from shedding those tears.
The loss of someone is more than enough to be coping with year after year....
So don't leave to chance what has to be said, say it now and say it clear.
Tom Heron
On the shortest days and the longest nights a cold snap sweeps the nation....
All the cute little fury animals have gone into hibernation.
Trees and bushes white with frost and underfoot the crunch of leaves....
A morning walk in the countryside provides the freshest air you'll breathe.
The land is far less fertile now and nothing new will grow....
Here's hoping those new evergreens survive the coming snow.
With the joy of Christmas holidays and New Year still to come....
Winter offers plenty and is time for having fun.
Now spring is around the corner and the snow and frost has gone....
The mornings are getting lighter now as we start to hear birdsong.
Tom Heron
From a long winter and an easy spring it's good to feel the heat....
While the fair of skin and ginger haired are at this time more discreet.
No more fake tan for the sun lovers as they lay on their sunbed....
They'll stay out there all day turning every shade of red.
The family get togethers consist of barbecues and beer....
One week round at their place; the next week over here.
Just three days of searing sun guarantees a thunderstorm....
We're always moaning when it's cold now we moan that it's too warm.
Summer brings humidity and bug bites in your bed....
So bad at times that wishful thoughts of autumn fill your head.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Sunset in Lanzarote
This was written from memory. It was the year 2000.
We were at the Costa Azul as guests of Raffa who
worked there. He was also my partners sisters partner
but sadly is no longer with us. The restaurant is no longer
there but El Golfo is still as popular is as it always was.
Sunset in Lanzarote
We're heading for El Golfo to the fabulous Green lagoon....
Famous for its photographs of sunsets and full moons.
With a table at the Costa Azul; the perfect place to be....
We're excited and feel privileged for the sight we're about to see.
Photographers from around the globe will be there if they can....
Set up around the volcanic ridge above the rare black sand.
The golden hour arrives at last in this wonderful location....
The perfect shot can be priceless and enhance their reputation.
Their camera shutters clicking as they jostle in the throng....
Like the sound of a crickets mating call it doesn't last too long.
Our hopes we're high but my oh my; what we saw was so surprising....
Colours we've never seen before spread across the whole horizon.
Approaching the end of its cosmic arc it's now safe to the naked eye....
And the sun seems to doff its cap to us as it's set to leave our sky.
As the sun sits down on the waters edge it appears to dip its toe....
As if stepping into an ice cold bath, it's easy as you go.
It's as if the sun is drowning, but it's more like hide and seek....
It disappears from this Hemisphere as the other gets its first peak.
No two sunsets are the same so the moment can't be repeated....
We indelibly stamp in our memory this vision to which we've been treated.
With the sun now gone in a jet black sky sits a stunning bright full moon....
Its reflected dance of a soft slow waltz portrayed on the green lagoon.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Sunrise at Bonneys
We have had the privilege of staying at Bonneys
fantastic bungalow on the prom four times now.
This was written to take as a gift for her to put up
in the bungalow. She loved it and has this and
Sunset in Lanzarote up on the wall.
Sunrise at Bonneys
The forecast says clear skies today so we're feeling optimistic....
The chances of seeing a great sunrise seem very realistic.
For the privilege to see such a spectacle everything must align....
The weather, the season and where we are, at that given time.
We're in Lanzarote at Bonneys place right beside the beach....
Across the sea where the sun will rise seems almost in our reach.
It's five am on a beautiful morn in this wonderful location....
We take deep breaths of fresh sea air as we wait in anticipation.
We're excited now as there’s no clouds to jeopardise the dawning....
And very soon the two of us will bid the sun good morning.
A purple glow begins to spread across the open sky....
Then various colours gently merge; it's so pleasing to the eye.
The upper limbs of the morning sun appear on the horizon....
Rising slowly a blood red globe; we joyously set our eyes on.
As the sun’s reflected on the sea the vision is truly amazing....
From blood red to an orangey glow, the colours are quickly changing.
We're sitting on Bonneys terrace; now the sunglasses must go on....
A better place would be hard to find to watch a sunrise from.
The moment's not quite fleeting but it doesn't last forever....
So we'll cherish the fact we got this chance to witness this together.
Now dawns done, a pure white sun, is shining high and bright....
Let's enjoy the day till dusks on its way then we'll bid the sun goodnight.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for With My Eyes Closed
This wasn't written when I was sad. It's something
I do that I've always found comfort in. This verse
can be what ever you want it to be. I've been told
many different things that people have taken from it.
From remembering someone special to remembering
someone's name. From missing your partner who's
working away to bringing them to you when you're
out of your comfort zone. Try it yourself.
With My Eyes Closed
With my eyes closed I can see so much, I can smell your hair, I can feel your touch....
With my eyes closed I can understand, I can hear your voice as I hold your hand.
With my eyes closed I can feel so free to imagine the warmth of your arms around me....
With my eyes closed I can see so clear, I can hear you breathe and I know your're near.
With my eyes closed I have no more fear, I can feel your love that I hold so dear....
With my eyes closed I can hear your laughter; a sound that will stay with me for ever after.
With my eyes closed I can see your smile that was worth the walk of a thousand miles....
With my eyes closed whether near or far I feel I'm with you wherever you are.
With my eyes closed life's how it used to be when I had you right here with me....
With my eyes closed.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for The Reaper
I was driving out of Glastonbury on my way home.
I came to a hill and suddenly found myself behind a lorry.
It was really struggling.
It was so slow it felt like it was coming back towards me.
The name on the back of the lorry was Reaper.
I thought "Grim Reaper more like it".
I eventually reached the motorway services.
By this time i'd written the first verse in my head.
I wrote the rest of it over a coffee.
The Reaper
Who makes snap decisions without a second thought....
Who continues lying when they know that they've been caught.
Who thinks they're the special one when they're just an average Joe....
And who clings on to a lover when they really should let them go.
Who's always in a hurry when they've got no place to be....
Who walks into a coffee shop and ordes them a tea.
Who's still wearing big buckle belts and winkle picker shoes....
And who thinks they've reached the point where there's nothing left to lose.
Who's crying over spilt milk when there really not to blame....
Who drives down the motorway using just the middle lane.
Who's always on a diet but never loses weight....
And who lives in a village that acts like a sovereign state.
Who's always indescisive never knowing what to chose....
Who's always being infuenced by other people's views.
Who's always saying sorry when it's never them at fault....
And who's been running for a bus wishing they were Usain Bolt.
Who's never heard of Howlin' Wolf but claims to love the blues....
Who reads all the gossip then starts living off fake news.
Who puts on a brave face when they really are in pain....
And who was Carly thinking of when she wrote "you're so vain".
Who wears dainty sandals knowing they've got size 12 feet....
Who claims to be a veggie then secretly eats meat.
Who writes silly love songs; sir Paul has wrote the most....
And who in their right mind is putting margarine on toast.
Who did what to the reaper to make him feel so grim....
Who plays devils advocate, why would anyone favour him.
You know your time is up as soon as you lay eyes on him....
So who did what to the reaper to make him feel so grim.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Lockdown
Boredom. Written as a bit of fun to cheer up my sisters.
There's lots of gardens getting done and books are being written....
Dogs are getting more walks now whilst cats are having kittens.
While the young ones are going at it, their elders are having spats....
So prepare for a new year baby boom and demand for one bed flats.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Santa's Still Coming
I'm a professional chauffeur and was booked to take three
business woman to central London for a christmas meal.
As we passed the ice rink at the Natural History Museum
they commented on how festive it all looked.
As we entered central london they also commented on
the congestion and (ULEZ) charges.
After I dropped them off I had this vision of santa getting
pulled for emissions because a reindeer farted.
This was written that very day.
Santa's Still Coming
Santa's sleigh is loaded and it's all ready to go....
They're bringing round the reindeer leaving hoof prints in the snow.
With a ho ho ho and a wave goodbye he's set to hit the sky....
But his mobile rings so he answers it, it's the city council guy.
I'm glad I caught you Santa before you set out on your way....
Because a council meetings just voted to keep you out today.
The methane from the reindeer affects the ozone layer....
So a no-fly zone's been established to keep them out of here.
"But what about the children and all their toys and gifts" ....
There's no way I can let them down just because of this.
I'll get a train, i'll get a bus or i'll hire me a van....
Hold on there mr Santa Claus, no one's said you can.
This city is a protected zone with only low emissions....
And for you to drive a van round here you'll need council permission.
I beg of you mr councillor can the meeting re-convene....
I'll get a lift in an electric car to keep my passage clean.
My thanks to all you councillors for hearing my appeal....
I'll put this in prospective and try to keep it real.
The city's eco policy is wonderful i'm sure....
But I am Santa Claus and need to come but once a year.
If I were a child in this city today i'd be broken hearted....
To think that Santa won't be back just because a reindeer farted.
The meeting ends and the chairman states, it's down to me to say....
Santa we're so sorry, go on get back in your sleigh.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Tarzanogram
So this is a true story. It happened in 1992.
All three of us we're divorced or going through a divorce.
I was just being me at the time.
After I'd written three songs in quick succession
my friend Mike said "you don't need to look for inspiration,
look at all the stories you've got".
So I did and this is one of them.
So there's me and my two cousins we're all married by 18....
15 years have passed now not a partner to be seen.
To console each other on sunday nights we meet up at the Oak....
We don't go there to wollow so we always have a joke.
The landlord Martins took to us cause we're bringing people in....
And pretty soon we're on the list to stay for the lock in.
One night a bunch of girls came in, you could tell it was a hen....
I sidled up to the one at the bar and said "which one is it then".
"if you must know it's the one in blue but what's it to do with you"....
I said, "i'm the strippers agent and the guy tonight is new".
"Oh I am sorry I said, I thought you'd made the call"....
Still let's not go and spoil it now and ruin it for them all.
My cousin will do anything for the right amount of beer....
So I gave him the landlord's leopard skins and whispered in his ear.
In the freezing men's toilets he's waiting in the wings....
So I give the guys a thumbs up for him to come and do his thing.
He came skidding round the corner with his roaring Tarzan chants....
His tackle accidently slipping out of Martins pants.
The best way to describe this guy, well he really is a minger....
And to see him in those leopard skins would put you off your dinner.
He went steaming towards there table as the girls eyes opened wide....
He completely lost his footing and began to slip and slide.
He crashed so hard into their crowd not a single drink survived....
From the position he ended up in he was lucky to be alive.
If that's not enough the bride to be gave him a good old thump....
But even worse she then stood up to reveal an 8 month bump.
At this point I decided I should remove myself from site....
While Martin gave them all free drinks to make the best of a bad night.
Eventually I apologised and the bride said its alright....
But my dirty minging cousin stayed in those leapard skins all night.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Caught Short
This is a true story, It did happened. I have written
this in the first person for effect and I was there
but it wasn't me. It is still one of the funniest things
I've ever witnessed. These two lovebirds that thought
they were so cool turned into babbling wrecks.
Caught Short
Me and my mate Mick took our good ladies down the pub....
A few pints of Guinness and a little bit of grub.
We start to walk to his house cutting through the hotel grounds....
The girls have pushed on well ahead and there's no one else around.
I start to feel some movement and I know that I'm in trouble....
There's a little copse of trees ahead and I make them at the double.
Having been caught short and without a choice I was squatting by a tree....
Then this couple playing kiss chase nearly bloody stood on me.
It was pitch black and obvious they couldn't see me there....
So nervously I said "alright" and it gave them quite a scare.
I left the copse but my mate mick who'd been sat on the low wall....
was nowhere to be seen, I couldn't see my guy at all.
As I approach the wall I seen him curled up on the floor....
I asked "are you alright" and he just let out a huge roar.
He said "I don't know what you did, but it's the funniest thing I've seen"....
The way that they came out of there was like a horror movie scene.
The two of us were cracking up as we headed for his place....
And there beside the wall a brand new shoe's been left in haste.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for A Sense of Love
This was written in conjunction with the song
"Sensing Love" to celebrate 25 years together.
It was intended to go on the card but never made it.
A Sense Of Love
I sensed your love for me was real and hoped that I was right....
I really did convince myself as you're all that was in my sight.
So having you beside me now Just strengthens my resolve...
And nothing exists in this world today that could make our love dissolve.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Inheritance Rap
This was written in conjunction with the song
"Marry Me" It sat in after the first verse. My partner
and her two siblings have lost out on both their
parents wills because of flaws in the legal system.
Her sisters fate was even worse. After the sudden
unexpected loss of her partner of thirty years she
lost half of everything they had built together to his
estranged daughter due to Spanish law. This was
written to suggest to my partner that we get married
to avoid all this hassle.
Inheritance Rap (Do your will)
All you want is for what you leave to go where it should go....
But that ain't happening most of the time without some agro.
Look what happened to your father and your mother too....
Now what's happened to your sister that ain't happening to you.
It's not the people closest to you it's the closest to them....
This is bound to happen time and time again.
People that you trust the most and turn to for a crutch....
Are just as likely these days to kick you in the crotch.
Do things right, put things straight, don't show weakness or mitigate....
In fact litigate and show your strength, don't get thrown against the electric fence.
You'll get fried by bureaucracy if you leave loose ends....
But with everything we've seen till now that aint happening again.
The best way to deal with this is as one....
So let's go together and get this thing done.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Sensing Love
This is the very first rhyme I ever wrote and has
proved to be the catalyst for this website.
Inspired by my own notes that I'd taken
from a topical discussion on the radio and written in
celebration of the 25 years
I have shared with my wonderful partner Helen.
Sensing Love
When I really want to see you I just close my eyes....
I smell your hair in the morning then I feel my spirits rise.
I hear your laughter in the distance and it's like music to my ears....
Then suddenly I find myself tasting my own tears.
And the slightest touch can mean so very much....
When you sit and watch a sunset I share in your delight....
When I smell your favorite perfume a spark in me ignites.
When you hear a certain rhythm you become my dancing queen....
And your culinary genius creates tastes of fine cuisine.
Just the slightest touch can mean so very much....
I watch you lay down on my pillow asleep you quickly fall....
While the smell of scented candles still lingers in the hall.
Then your whisper breaks the silence as you live part of your dream....
Then I get to taste you with a kiss I gently glean.
And the slightest touch can mean so very much....
Yes the slightest touch can mean so very much.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for Marry Me
This was initially written around "The Inheritance Rap"
which is now a separate rhyme.
It's meant to be a fun proposal brought on by the
seriousness of the rap. I already knew quite a few
of the unusual world traditions that I've used
but had to look up others to make it work.
Marry Me
I will carve you love spoons while you take a milky bath....
I'll perform la serenata while you hope the rain will last.
We can have a good old zaffe while your henna mehndi's done....
I'll keep shooting you with arrows while your crying for a month.
I will pay the ransom for you then you'll have your kitchen tea....
And that's before you marry me.
You can wear a tsunokakushi while I swap my clothes with you....
We can make it lucky Wednesday gold and silver in your shoes.
We'll have flatbread on our shoulders and stefanas on our heads....
I will take a falaka beating then I'll stand you on my left.
You'll have sugar cubes in your glove as they bind our hands with love....
And that's while you marry me.
We'll sweep the broken porcelain with one foot on the ground....
They can cut the tie and garter up while we pour the colored sands.
We can give out Jordan almonds while they watch the camel dance....
Then we'll saw a log together before the bottom pinching stance.
We can plant a pine tree while they shower us with peas....
That's once you've married me.
Do you know what....
We could just sneak out of the room and go jump the broom.
Will you please just marry me.
Tom Heron
Inspiration for The Dark Side
Not much need for an explination here.
It's about my grandson and it
was written as a direct response to a
conversation I had with my daughter.
It's displayed on this site with his full permission.
The Dark Side
The dark side took him young, and now it just won't let him go....
We say we want him back, but did we ever have him I don't know.
He asks his mum "can I come home", cause he knows she won't say no....
But it won't be very long before, the strain begins to show.
He says he's getting better, but then he just won't take his meds....
He'll put his thoughts down in a letter, then he'll cry all night in bed.
There's help for him out there, but he'll just push right passed instead....
Yet he'll openly admit, he can't control what's in his head.
I thought i'd found a way to him through the music we both share....
I was optimistic to believe, I could prove how much I care.
At just 18 we can't stand by while the dark side lays him bare....
So we've got to pull together now, and make the world aware.
Tom Heron
My Brother
I don’t think you could ever know how much you mean to me....
You’re always there through thick and thin; like you I strive to be.
We’ve shared so many happy times; ours is a precious bond....
And when the hard times hurt us both it’s you that keeps me strong.
I often wonder “when’s my chance” to give support to you....
When we should really share the load your strength just shines right through.
I truly love you oh so much you couldn’t comprehend....
Not just as you’re my brother, but as a treasured, valued friend.
I want to tell you here and now I love you like no other....
My Tom, my muse, my confidante, my truly precious brother.
Bridget Bourne
The bell of life.
When I was young and in dads prime, he used to say a little rhyme.
But now I’m old and here’s the thing, that old bell has an eerie ring.
That rhyme back then would make me smile, but now it takes me back a while.
And now I’m old I think of him, and then it dawns the light goes dim.
That little rhyme was for his dad, so now that’s why it makes me sad.
My son was young back in my prime, and I used to say that little rhyme.
It’s only now the rhyme makes sense, because memories are all past tense.
A fathers son is living proof, that when you’re gone then so is truth.
“I saw a man, upon the stair;
I saw a man, who wasn’t there.
He wasn’t there again today;
I wish that man would go away”
With a heavy heart and a sinking soul, one mans bell can both ring or toll.
The difference is a perceptive thing, because one mans toll is another mans ring.
Mike Newman
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Royal Wootton Bassett