A series of great
Quips, Quotes & Anecdotes
collected from everyday people


I met my uncle Tony for the first and last time at my grandmother's funeral when I was just 17. I knew he was a high flying Businessman so when he asked me about myself I said "I'm only a hod carrier". This was his stern reply which I have lived by ever since.
​"Never describe yourself as "Only" anything; That's what you do not who you are".
​Tom Heron

"My philosophy for life is quite simple. laugh every day,
Listen to music every chance you get,
and check your conscience every night".
Tom Heron

"I don't fear the unknown because

I believe we are the unknown".
Tom Heron

"You make me feel like I can

see rainbows in the dark".
Tom Heron

"Although repetition is the mother of consistency

it is by no means the guarantor of excellence".
Tom Heron

"Let life make you laugh".
Tom Heron

"Let life make you smile".
Tom Heron

" Just let life happen, don't over think it".
Tom Heron

RLMP: Rosa Louise McCauley Parks.
RLMP: Racial Liberty Must Prevail.
"Need we say more".
Tom Heron

"To see the good in people is a wonderful trait.
To see only the good in people is a dangerous mistake".
Tom Heron

"Enjoy today. Yesterday has been successfully navigated

and as of yet you have not been gifted tomorrow".
Tom Heron

"If you educate the privileged they will rule the world,
but if you educate the under privileged they will change it".
Tom Heron

"Mental health awareness is essential. It's a reminder of how fragile we all are.
No one is exempt".
Tom Heron

"It may be impossible to plan the future

but you can plan for it".
Tom Heron

"If we have to have a God then

mine is my conscience".
Tom Heron

"Those who seek gratuitous praise

are least likely to deserve it".
Tom Heron

"Don't judge people for what they've done

without knowing why they did it".
Tom Heron

"Be sure you know the difference between

a heads up and a head start".
Tom Heron

"Women are the mainstay of man's staple diet. If you're straight you desire them,
if you're gay you admire them".
Tom Heron

"Any life lived for someone

else is a life lost".
Tom Heron

"It seems the more people I get to know

the less I know about people".
Tom Heron

"Teamwork is like a precision timepiece,

if one component fails it will break down".
Tom Heron

"Ironically our constant push for change will speed us

ever quicker to our inevitable demise".
Tom Heron

"I shudder to think what affect honesty

could have on politics".
Tom Heron

"With no evidence of a previous life and even less of a future one,
it's time to start living the life we've been given".
Tom Heron

"Vanity can lead

to insanity"
Tom Heron

"If you're going to work for a family business

make sure you're part of the family."
Tom Heron

"A bad apple is a bad apple

regardless of what barrel it's in."
Tom Heron

"Believe and you

will achieve."
Tom Heron

"You don't have to be famous to say something profound....
But if you say something profound you may well become famous".
Tom Heron

"We don't die

we just go home".

Helen Drever

"Live it, Love it,

Rock it!"

Donna Price, Bahrain

"A man can carry more weight in his heart

than he can on his shoulders".
-Mike Newman

"You don't have to blow out someone's

candle to make yours shine".
-Mike Newman

"Peace does not come from preaching,

it comes from practising".
-Yakub kheratkar

"It takes longer to make your

mind up than it does to change it".
-Mike Newman

"See every day as an opportunity

to better yourself".
-Jim, 39, Newcastle

"Don't cry over spilt milk.

Do cry over spilt blood".
-Mike Newman

"A stitch in time saves nine,

but nobody sews anymore".
-Mike Newman

"Black & White. The symbol

of harmony and equilibrium".
Zhou Dunyi (Ancient Chinese philosopher)

"A good samaritan will cross the road, but its not easy

when so many are crossing the other way".
-Mike Newman

"If you reach three score and ten and you have a

handful of friends you are rich in life".
-Billy McAllister

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread,

but he who hesitates Is lost".
-Mike Newman

This may be a quote from Mark Twain but my cousin Stephen has been using it for many years to announce the arrival of a certain section of our family at any given function. When you hear these words you don't need to turn around to know who's coming.
"Oh here they come"

"never let the truth get in the way of a good story".
-Steve Elliott 71, Glasgow

"Penny wise but pound foolish.

Give a penny to make a pound".
-Mike Newman

I was about to represent myself in court against a huge company. A week before the case started they informed me that they were employing a top barrister from London. These were David's words to me. I went on to win the case. "Thanks David" RIP
"Barristers are just solicitors who wish they were actors".

-David Jeacock, Solicitor.

"Ignorance is bliss. Not being

ignorant is a gift".
-Mike Newman

This is a true quote. I'm not claiming I was in the class when she said it but it was of my time and she was known for many similar quotes. 50 years on and she is still very much part of St Joseph's folklore.
"If you don't stop looking out of that window I'll close it".

-Catholic Nun, Swindon

"Shallow waters run fast.

Don't be shallow, walk slow".
-Mike Newman